Carnivorous Nepenthes sanguinea
Nepenthes sanguinea, commonly known as the “Scarlet Pitcher Plant,” is a carnivorous tropical pitcher plant native to Sumatra. This species is recognized for its unique, elegant pitchers that come in shades of red or burgundy, lending it the name “sanguinea,” which means blood-red. The characteristic pitcher shape includes a lid that helps protect the pitcher’s contents from rain, and a peristome (the lip of the pitcher) features attractive patterns to attract and capture insects. Nepenthes sanguinea is well-suited to a humid and warm environment, typical of its native habitat. As with many pitcher plants, Nepenthes sanguinea derives nutrients from captured insects within its specialized pitcher traps, aiding its growth in nutrient-poor soils. It is a popular choice among carnivorous plant enthusiasts for both its captivating appearance and unique feeding mechanism.
Use rainwater, distilled water or reverse osmosis water. Be careful with bottled water as these may contain salt which will kill your pitcher plant. Keep a small amount of water in each pitcher!